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11 Marketing Trends That can Help Increase Your Online Sales This 2020

The digital marketing landscape is always changing. If you go with outdated tactics, then you’re limiting your brand’s reach. More so, you are getting behind your competitors who are taking new marketing trends into action. 

The thing is, when you create a website, using the same old techniques and methods won’t last forever.

In this post, we’ve curated the top eight marketing trends that not only help you survive but make your business thrive in the age of innovation. 

Artificial Intelligence

The term “Artificial Intelligence” is precisely how it sounds. It refers to both machines and robots that can work a lot like humans.

According to TalkMarkets, AI employs a variety of features like voice assistants and chatbots to quickly search for answers. Siri and Alexa are examples of voice assistants that give excellent customer care.

Just like any human does, they take in orders from users and work behind the scenes. The AI robot does so by utilizing sensors, as well as human inputs to look for facts about a particular situation. They store information about particular data to boost the user’s experience. 

Live Video

Video is one of the best ways for potential customers to learn more about products.

Once the live video element is added, this makes your overall content marketing strategy more engaging. It also makes them feel as if they are part of it instead of just passively watching.

Live videos are a great way to grab your audience’s attention on social media because viewers tap on it for the “fear of missing out” or FOMO. 

If it means that viewers could gain a tidbit of information that they could not get anywhere else, then they are more likely to click on it!

Generation Z Customers

Sales trends do change with generation, products, and technology. At the moment, millennials are dominating the market, but a new generation is emerging as well.

It’s the Generation Z, and it’s made up of people born in the mid-’90s to the mid-2000s. 

Now, the question is, how do you sell to Gen Z? What is the most effective channel of distribution?

Keep in mind that this is the generation that stays online 24/7. They grew up in the age of smartphones, social media, and online shopping. They have all the access to a wealth of information just at the tip of their fingertips. 

This generation is also very self-aware, especially when it comes to global issues such as environmental problems. So, your whole sales process should reflect those needs.

Your current sales trends shouldn’t be your only concern. 

Personalized Sales Approaches

Surprisingly, only a few companies offer personalized sales. What they do not know is that personalization is the future of digital marketing, and it is what customers expect from you these days. 

Traditional marketing is starting to lose its effectiveness, so what is the best solution? Personalize your marketing messages so that you can forge a more meaningful connection between your brand and target market. 

In fact, according to a survey, 80% of consumers say they are more likely going to do business with a brand if it provides them with a more personalized experience. That’s the reason why companies and brands address you with your first name whenever they send in an email. 

It is one of the best tools out there if you want to boost your conversions, so you need to leverage it to improve your marketing efforts. 

Data-driven Decision Making

A lot of business decisions are mostly made from a series of opinions and gut instincts. But that is not the most effective way of making decisions. You must rely on data!

Let’s say a person from your team comes to you for advice on how to reduce bounce rates. How do you give them the best possible advice?

The answer lies in customer feedback.

Instead of just relying solely on suggestions and ideas to fuel your business, you need to make good use of the information from the feedback and cancellation forms of your customers that had stopped doing business from you in the past.

This data will give you an inkling of why they canceled. For instance, if you found that the reason they canceled is that your customer support is not quick enough to address their problems, then chat support is a more worthy investment. 

The only way to be able to deal with these problems is to use the data where you base your decisions. 

Security and Privacy

Recently, high profile data breaches have been dominating the news, making it hard for you to get people to convert and trust you with their personal information. 

You need to prove to people that you will keep their data secure. Here are the things that you can work on to improve your security this 2020:

Augmented Reality

Any brand or company that sells physical products have to invite people to a remote showroom to actually showcase what they are trying to sell. The technology to showcase these products has been around for years, and it is a no-brainer that it will continue to do so. 

For instance, a company that sells office furniture can create an augmented reality of their products. That way, prospects could easily visualize if that particular piece of furniture fits their space and gives them enough confidence to buy the product. The key here, though, is choosing the best web design theme that will enable you to implement augmented reality.

Direct Messaging

To take a more personal approach to customers, brands are now taking conversations on DMs.

In fact, direct messaging is helping streamline customer service, as well as in sales. That’s exactly why it is one of the hottest digital marketing trends this year. 

Brands and businesses often find DMing their prospects effective in creating relationships, whether it’s taking in orders, addressing concerns, or just goofing around. 

The biggest stipulation is that customers agree to it. A prospect that DMs you first is already a big thing.

This strategy works best when you motivate users to message you by giving your username or handle. Perhaps, you can even encourage them more by providing incentives like a coupon code or an exclusive discount. 


Influencer marketing has been a digital marketing trend for a couple of years now. In fact, it became so successful that large influencers started giving away price lists and payment tables ‒ and it isn’t cheap either. 

That’s why more and more small to medium-sized businesses are opting for micro-influencers and brand ambassadors with a medium-sized following and narrower niches. They’re popular enough to be influential and more in touch with their followers.

In fact, according to a study from Adweek, micro-influencers have 60 percent higher engagements and 6.7 times more effective than their macro-influencer counterparts.

Build and Target Detailed Buyer Personas

You’ve probably come across targeting options for Facebook advertisers, and you’ve probably seen how users are targeted based on the university they’ve earned their degrees, where they’re going for their next vacation, and so on.

According to Amaze Law, one of the best facebook ad agencies out there, “While some might think that this kind of specificity is a bad idea since it could kill your buyer persona, the more you “know” your ideal audience, the more they’re likely to respond to messages that are specifically tailored for them. So focus on creating more detailed buyer personas than ever before.”

Omnichannel Experience

Moving towards omnichannel marketing and building an omnichannel experience will have a positive effect on your sales. 

But to provide that kind of experience to your customers, your business should be able to:


If you haven’t yet, now is the time to start planning your digital marketing strategy this 2020. Make sure that you start the new year right with a clear plan in mind, and how you’re going to achieve them.

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