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3 Reasons Why You Should Switch To A Cloud Hosting Provider

Hosting Providers started utilizing Cloud technologies to offer a more scalable and cost efficient hosting type called Cloud Hosting. But many users do not understand the capabilities of Cloud Hosting and hence may not consider it as the hosting plan for their website. Truth be told, Cloud Hosting may not be ideal for all websites, but in certain situations and website types, it becomes a very strong companion for your website. In this post, we will discuss the three main advantages of Cloud Hosting. Based on which you can gauge if they are aligned with your website’s needs and if you should go for Cloud Hosting for your site.

High Scalability: One major issue that a lot of growing website face is scaling up the hosting resources and and when required by website. You may start with humble amount of resources as your website is new. But as it grows, and you start getting a lot more traffic to your website, your website will need a lot more hosting resources. If your resources fall short, your website will slow down or even crash if the system cannot cope-up with the incoming traffic. One major issue you will face is understanding how much additional resources you need.

The way Cloud Hosting is built enables it to solve this problem easily. In Cloud Hosting, there are multiple servers put together in a pool that makes the whole network seem like a single, very powerful server. In case new servers need to be added or removed from the Cloud, it can be done very efficiently. So in Cloud Hosting, whenever you need to add any new resources such as CPU, RAM, storage space etc. to your website, it can be done instantaneously and to the extent of your requirement. This makes it really ideal for websites that can expect unpredictable traffic surges like news portals or eCommerce websites during ‘sale’ period etc.

Maximum Reliability: You would want your website to be up all the time. But in many cases if your hosting hardware faces a physical failure, there is not much you can do. Although hosting providers will minimize the downtime by making arrangements, time lost in downtime could mean a lot of loss for the business.

When it comes to Cloud Hosting, the architecture is built in such a way that all the resources needed to run your website are distributed across multiple servers. Because of this there is no chance of a single point of failure. What this means is that, in case one of the servers on the Cloud suffers physical failure, it is automatically replaced by another server on the Cloud seamlessly without any effect on your website uptime or performance. This is great for sites that need maximum uptime like stock trading, eCommerce or other sites that hold sensitive information.

Efficient Billing: One common mistake in terms of hosting is that at times you tend to overspend on hosting resources when your website does not even need them. For instance if your website is hosted on Dedicated Hosting or VPS Hosting but you might not need them for your site and you end up paying for them anyway.

In Cloud Hosting, as all the collective servers over the Cloud work as a single powerful server, you have the ability utilize resources only as much as your website needs and pay for them accordingly. What this simply means is that you can pay only for the resourced you use. This will put you completely in control of your hosting billing.

Upon review of the above advantages of Cloud Hosting, you can gauge if it can be aligned with your website’s needs. But if you break it down, if a site requires high reliability and scalability without affective cost effectiveness, Cloud Hosting is perfect for you. Hope this helps and please feel free put up your questions in the comments section below!

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