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6 Solutions For Every Business’s Data Storage Needs

Opting for a cloud based data storage solution can be tricky especially when a business’s life blood depends on making an excellent choice. Some of the critical components of a quality data storage company are offering extremely secure data storage containers along with clearly defined methodologies for protecting data in all of its forms from any possible security intrusion. This fact dictates that in addition to having a dedicated server and storage farm with online back up as well as a secondary and often a third space for redundant security options. In addition to back up locations quality companies must offer their clients a clear cut online back up and retrieval system.

When looking at the cloud storage options available in today’s market here are some of the top players that provide a quality data storage solution.


This company takes security so seriously that its encryption standards are at a military level. With that said it also offer companies an easy to use record retrieval system as well as an online transfer system. The company regularly runs cloud based as well as online back ups to ensure premium data security.

Company Data Storage Ltd

Company Data Storage is which is based in England, is a back up fanatic’s Disney World. The company has vaults for their back up storage and protect the data containers with anti theft mechanisms, water proof seals, bar code tracking and 24 hour tape rotation. The company also offers lightening fast destruction services with no questions asked for those times when a failed hard drive is a company’s best friend.


Essentially, Terremark is a company that was built to serve corporate megalith Verizon’s data storage needs. The company stands head and shoulders about most with its SAN and NAS sub systems for data storage. It’s eDiscovery services helps any company’s legal services team sleep easier at night and the highly secure virtualized networks which were built to offer highly secure data sharing delivers information at the speed of modern business.


Is there any sector of the computer world where IBM hasn’t shined at one time or another? While not as high profile in the consumer world as it once was, IBM is still the leader when it comes to serving up servers for the corporate sector. The distinct advantage that Big Blue offers is the ability to scale services to fit any sized company from the small business to the global giant. Clearly offering a range and scale of back up, storage, recovery and access options that most companies just don’t have the resources to supply IBM is the world leader in cloud based storage options.

Net App

Net App is not as large as IBM but inside the data storage market is certainly considered one of the big three. In addition to the standard data storage, security, sharing and delivery options it provides Net App is one of the leaders in the software-defined data center market trend which redefines how IT resources are defined in software, provisioned and delivered. This new wave in cloud storage which is centered on API integration is said to accelerate information delivery while lowering costs, and making the entire process easier and more simple.


Based in India EMC delivers storage, security and data solutions for business of every level. Not a company to be taken lightly since it is one of the global leaders in data storage with an impressive thirty percent of the market. While it still behind the big dogs like IBM and Net App it is a company that pushes itself to offer bleeding edge solutions. It’s VMware Virtual Infrastructure which it acquired in 2004, has helped it gain market share every year for the last decade. If EMC stays on it’s current course it will be the single largest player in the market and for that reason alone deserves to be taken very seriously when considering any data storage cloud based IT solution.

Idera is the creator of leading SQL server software solutions, including SQL server monitoring. Peter Hill is a freelance writer with an interest in software management.

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