Amazon Introduces AWS CloudformationPosted by On

Amazon AWS

Amazon web services LLC has announced AWS Cloudformation, a simple way for developers and businesses to create collections of related AWS resources and provision them in orderly and predictable way. Users can use AWS CloudFormation’s sample templates or create their own templates to describe the AWS resources required to run their application.

Amazon AWS

AWS CloudFormation takes care of ‘how’ the resources are provisioned. All you have to worry about is ‘what’ resources are required. Also with this the need to manually recreate an application’s stack for each deployment by developers will be comfortably avoided. According to the company, developers and businesses just have to focus on their applications with AWS at hand.

Customers can create CloudFormation templates and deploy the associated resource stacks via the AWS Management Console, CloudFormation command line tools or APIs. It can also be used across multiple AWS Availability Zones to configure a wide range of AWS resources including Amazon EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancers, AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments, Amazon RDS and Amazon SNS topics. Ylastic provides a unified management console service to AWS customers.

Source: amazon


amazonamazon ec2amazon webApplicationAWSCloudformationcommand line toolsElasticload balancersManagementRDSunified managementwayweb services llc

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