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Eat more Healthily with Calorific Android App

Are you finding tracking your daily calorie intake a nightmare? Install Calorific Diet Tracker and make eating healthy a fun and easy thing to do


Anyone who’s ever tried to lose weight will tell you that counting calories is the key to dropping pounds. It makes sense: with fewer naughty high-carb and high-fat treats going in, your body begins to deplete your fat reserves for energy. Unfortunately, calorie counting is a nightmare of squinting at packaging, and many a diet has failed because it just becomes too time-consuming.

Fortunately Calorific makes the whole thing a doddle. Rather than encouraging you to count calories, it instead divides common foods into groups and lets you enter approximate quantities, Its traffic-light system means that good foods like fruit, vegetables and whole grains are prioritised, and naughty things are admonished. It makes the process of tracking food intake really easy and – more importantly – rewarding.


Get Calorific

Search Android’s Play Shop for ‘Calorific’, tap on the result and then tap ‘Install’ Accept the conditions and download it to your device, and when it’s installed tap ‘Open’ to get started. If you want a brief overview of Calorific, tap to watch the YouTube video, which will help you master the interface.



At Calorific s main menu, tap ‘Settings’. ‘Meal Logging Reminders’ prompt you to enter your food intake at meal times during the day. ‘Water tracking’ is handy if you want to keep hydrated or drink more water – tap it to set a goal of a certain number of glasses a day.


Facebookand breakfast

If you want your friends to be Informed of your healthy eating habits, tap ‘Post to Facebook’ – this can be set to post weekly or daily. Calorific will also remind you to start tracking calories as soon as you wake up, in the hope that you’ll avoid that full English breakfast by setting your approximate wake-uptime.



Tap ‘Home’ to return to the main menu. Now tap ‘Profile’. Enter your gender, age, height and weight – you can toggle between metric and imperial units using the blue button to the right. Input the amount of weight you want to lose, and finally estimate your daily activity level.



Choose ‘Today’s Log’ to begin the calorie counting. You’ll see the day broken into meal periods, such as ‘Breakfast’ and ‘Afternoon Snack’. It doesn’t matter too much if you input food in the wrong periods – it’s more important that you keep a daily record of what you’ve eaten.


The counting

Calorific divides food into three categories – Great, OK and Bad. Tap ‘More details’ to view foodstuffs, then tap specific items to see the portion options. You can add items like sandwiches by choosing, for example, two slices of wholegrain bread (good), a slice of ham (bad) and some mustard (OK), then click ‘Today’.



Sometimes it can be hard to locate specific food through the tab system. Tap ‘Food search’ in the bottom left to enter specific terms, such as ‘burger’ or ‘Doritos’. This will take you straight to the relevant part of Calorific, where you can then enter the number of calories you’ve consumed.


Keep it up

Now you’re all set to use Calorific on a daily basis, and entering your meal choices will soon become second nature. From the main menu tap ‘History’ to see your progress overtime, and try and hit Calorific’s recommendations to score the full five stars every day!


Author Bio:- This post written by Kashif Raza, currently, he is working for a coupon website which offers the latest weight watchers online promo codes and a trx promo codes. Weight Watchers is world’s most reputable weight loss and dieting company and TRX is the creator of suspension training and rip training equipment.

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