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How ERP Is Helping Shape Company’s Future

How ERP Is Helping Shape Company’s Future

Technological advances are taking the world by storm. It is imperative that IT department of any business should take up new technologies like pronto! For starters, you will miss out on potential benefits. Other could be the risk of data compromise if your business systems are outdated.

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is one such mechanism that can take your business to new heights. With it, new innovations new opportunities will come knocking at your door. Here are five trends that will shape ERP in future and hence any company’s.

1.      The Internet Of Things (Iot)

With IoT, you can integrate multiple objects for example cars and electrical piece of equipment with the ability to transfer data over a network without any human intervention.  But when it comes down to ERP these machines can be connected to other tools and vehicles for that matter.

It does it by sending data back to applications that are stored in the cloud. Location, usage, and performance can be easily retrieved which enables organizations to ascertain whether a piece of equipment needs overhauling or an unused asset is lying somewhere.

2.      Wearable Tech

It is assumed wearable technology has reached a net worth of USD 10 billion in 2016. ERP if integrated with the makers of wearable tech, imagine what can happen. Wearable are consumers focused; with fitness trackers, augmented reality like Google glasses for hands-free operations for blue collar workers or,

Smart watches as opposed to PDAs and smartphones because they are less likely to be dropped and other wearable. ERP can take this convenience to the next level. How? For e.g., by having conjoined with devices designed to assess UV rays or heat to treat employee health in a more equipped manner.

3.     Big Data Analytics

Since organizations are becoming heavily dependent on IT and resultantly have amassed data that has been conventionally waiting to be utilized so as with IoT this will grow exponentially. ERP can take advantage of this phenomenon and you know what that means? Data generations, linking of tools and employees and you name it!

Therefore, employing data analytics in conjunction with ERP can help you utilize the data to deduce accurate predictions. This will lay out strong foundations in formulating your business strategy.

4.     The Age Of Context

Now since the businesses are operating in the multichannel world, where technology understands what situation you’re facing or what information would you prefer to see or how would you prefer to see it instead. The above are some performance indicators. ERP can assist you in gauging these parameters.

Did you know PCs and mobile apps are increasingly integrating the mechanisms to preemptively understand user/customer’s needs and look to improve the overall efficacy of the task(s)? With ERP, for instance, a field service engineer can automatically gather all the asset data, job directives, CRM history as it reaches the renovation point (rendezvous).

5.     Opening Business To Innovation

All of the technologies discussed above will change the landscape of how you do business and the ones with no ERP system in place may suffer badly. Goes without saying, but organizations need to be wary of technological changes happening on a routine basis (which if not implemented or adapted to) can cause irreparable loss to your business.

Developments once designed for customers are now finding profitable solutions in B2B environment. This is helping businesses save both time and cost in addition to elevating productivity. The future is now and with ERP the businesses that will embrace it can find success.

Certified SAPs are a rarity (those who learn about ERP) and the subsequent consultants (ERP specialists) are a rarity too. For those looking to make a career in it, the opportunity is knocking. You can bring value to the table by helping businesses become ERP compliant. You will directly be hailed as the one who shaped the future. Remember ERP/SAP training is not going to be easy on your pocket (probable reason for a low number of certified specialists) but if you’ve got it, then go for it!

Author Bio: Amanda Broad is a certified SAP specialist of Dissertation Writing Help at and also works as a part-time Business Consultant. In addition, she is a blogging geek and spends her time writing insightful pieces on entrepreneurship, business financing, and business market. 

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