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How To Use Images Successfully In Web Design

Images are an important factor in your overall search engine optimization strategy. It is important to include images in your site content and blogs because they provide the reader’s eyes with a type of break, a rest between tedious lines of text. Images that are strategically placed also have the power to direct attention where you want it, and they provide clues concerning the text in case it wasn’t clearly read or understood.

Images also have the power to make the information on your website seem as though it was thoughtfully put together. A visitor to a website perceives the use of images as added effort in conveying the message. It adds depth to their understanding and a sense of added quality to the way they receive the information.

There are many who still don’t realize that the appropriate use of images in web design can enhance SEO. People who do web design in Singapore today are gradually acclimating to this realization, and the sooner everyone realizes the importance of SEO, the sooner more new businesses will begin to thrive.

Using Images to Increase SEO

Find appropriate images. There is a wealth of free photos and images all over the Internet. It is generally fairly easy to find photos that are relevant to your written content. Get permissions and give credit to the appropriate people when required, and do not claim to be the owner of images that you are not directly responsible for creating. And be careful not choose photos that are too large, as pages that take a long time to load fare poorer in search engine algorithms.

Give your images SEO-friendly names and attributes. As you select images that relate to content and targeted keywords, name them accordingly to complement your SEO strategy. Search engine crawlers index image names and alt tags along with other textual content. The alt feature allows you to label the image in two ways: the external name of the image that everyone can see, and an “internal” type name that may serve as the only clue of what the image represents when the image itself can’t be seen (in the event of certain screen readers in use. Use keyword-friendly captions whenever possible to provide more information concerning the subject, and explain how the image relates to the written content when it is not obviously clear. The order in which the features of your web pages are noticed by visitors is, first, the heading of the page in its large and overbearing font; second, the subtitle, whose font is smaller than the heading but still notable large; and third, images and captions.

SEO is a skill that requires a sufficient amount of practice. The more you work with SEO tactics, the more you will start to see how the independent features of your website contribute to or detract from its visibility on the web. Ask for help from professionals when needed, and keep working at it. Before long, you might be an SEO pro yourself or better get a Singapore SEO Services from reliable SEO Company!

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