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The Role Of The Color In Web Design

The Role Of The Color In Web Design

Color is a very important element of web site design. Choosing the right colors for a web site is as important as the choice of graphics and content. The colors have different effects on people. Some colors can evoke certain emotions. Emotional reactions of visitors may affect the image of your company, and can have a significant impact on its brand. People associate colors with a specific emotional state and mood. Scientific tests have proven that different colors can make people happy, sad, relaxed, excited or angry. When designing a web site it is necessary to consider very carefully all the emotions that may be caused by a certain color. The colors are generally classified on neutral, warm or cool. So let’s look at some of them.

The red color is quite emotional and aggressive. It symbolizes strength, energy, fire, embodies love, greatness. At the same time it is a symbol of the blood and war. You should be very careful using this color. If you web site oversaturated with red, it will simply depress visitors and it will be unbearable to stay on such a resource for a long time. The red color can stimulate different emotions. Still, if you want to use this color in your web site design, it is better to dilute it using a white, yellow or orange colors.

Black color implies something sinister, mysterious, and negative. However, after the appearance of tinted glass, black cars, people started to associate this color with the reliability and prestige. Therefore, similar colors can be suitable for a serious commercial sites. It is very important to remember that black is the color-element, not the basic color, so, it is better not to use it as a web site’s background. It is advisable to use black color in combination with yellow and white.

Yellow, as well as red, is very ambiguous color. It may be associated with energy, sun, with jealousy, envy, and disease. Yellow can be used to draw attention to something. The blue color is associated with purity, consistency and inspiration. It will be enjoyable for all generations and ages. However, the excess of blue can lead to depression. It is advisable to dilute this color with warmer tints. Green is associated with nature. This color will perfectly suit web sites related to plant-themed landscaping. It has a positive effect on human patients. Therefore, the green color can also find the application on the web sites dedicated to medicine. White – the purity, simplicity. If you use too much of white, there may be a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. White color is better to mix with blue, red, and other more vivid and saturated colors. White shade can be used everywhere. Purple colors implies some kind of mystery and mysticism. Web designers are reluctant to use this color. It is possible to experiment with it, but carefully.

When developing a web site design, choose a color scheme as thoroughly as you choose graphics and content. General view will determine the first impression of a visitor about your company and can become the key factor of web site success or failure.

D.Tokareva for web design company in New York

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