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The 10 Commandments Of CV Writing

Writing up a new CV can be, for most civilians, a big pain in the back end. There are plenty of hints and tips from around the web including extracts from trusted sources, but when it comes down to the black and white of it there always seems to be a bit of a diversion. Here we look at the basic commandments that all CV writers should be following…

1) Thou Shalt Not Skimp On Details

When telling everyone about yourself you need to be certain that you are including as many important facts as you can in order to show off your skill set. You also need to inform them of how you fill your spare time i.e. sports, socialising as it shows that you aren’t just sat around.

2) Thou Shalt Not Tell Lies

The worst thing you can do on a CV is tell a fib, no matter how big a deal you think it is. You certainly shouldn’t be claiming to have qualifications that you don’t possess! Bending the truth is also ill advised as some employers may feel conned if they uncover the raw truth.

3)Remember To Sell Yourself

Your CV is a chance for you to expose your assets and let people know the real you. A great CV can give you the opportunity to seek more challenging roles and if you’re lucky it could get snapped up by a head hunter who’s looking for star pupils.

4) Thou Shalt Not Make Errors

Errors are a CV writer’s worst nightmare. They come in many forms, but are most commonly seen as grammar slip up’s and spelling mistakes. You must double check and triple check your CV for these errors as many employers will disregard your CV if there is a single mishap.

5) Thou Shalt Not Include Pointless Facts

As much as you should be selling yourself as much as you can, you should try hard not to natter on about your life in grave detail. People want to know what makes you tick, not what you did last summer on that messy road trip with your besties.

6) Thou Shalt Consider A Covering Letter

A covering letter is an extremely useful tool for any job seeker as it makes your application for personal, and increases your chances of being noticed. Your CV will have a general synopsis of what you’re good at, but a cover letter can demonstrate skills relating to a specific role.

7) Honour Thy References And Thy Past

We all have pasts, and some are more complex than others. You need to make sure that whoever you pick as your references is both willing to provide one and will give you the biggest advantage. You also need to be completely upfront about previous roles, even if things turned sour.

8) Thou Shalt Not Be Too Formal

You want your CV to say as much about you as possible, but you also need it to read well for everyone. Take into consideration your language and tone as these can be very influential. If it sounds too laid back or too quirky they may not take you very seriously.

9) Thou Shalt Not Waste Space

The one pet peeve of many employers is seeing a CV with a ton of blank and unused space. You need to fill out the page as much as you can in order to create the illusion of more content. Have a play around with the formatting to see what works best.

10) Thou Shalt Pick A Font And Size Wisely

They say that as long as you can read it, and you stick to black text and white paper, then you’re pretty much golden. This rule hasn’t really changed much, but you do still need to bare in mind the style and volume of your text. Sans serif fonts are most favoured, and the sweet spot in terms of size falls between 10 and 12.

If you need more guidance on what to say, or to find a CV template online, simply have a look around the web to see what you can discoverer or visit Job Zoo.

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