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Top 3 Websites For Learning How To Code

Top 3 Websites For Learning How To Code

As our generation gets more technology-oriented, learning the basics of coding can turn out to be fruitful. You do not necessarily have to be considered ‘technical’ or enroll in an expensive institution as you can get started right from the comfort of your home.

Several websites have been established in recent times with an aim to spread the knowledge of coding to non-technical people. Through their tutorials, webinars, screencasts and podcasts, a lot of individuals have been able to develop practical programming skills and brand their websites.

However, it is important to note that it will take time for you to grasp the concepts and not every site offers coding lessons for all frameworks. In case you are stuck on a website design framework like Django, hiring Django developers can be an ideal option because you would not want to lose business. Skill-oriented professionals will stick to the quality guidelines, and they are mostly aware of other programming languages that complement the framework like CSS, Html and JavaScript.

Blogs that will teach you about the basics of coding

1.  Codecademy  

Codecademy is perhaps the best online resource to get started. It features an interactive interface and easy navigation options. Several courses are offered by the website from PHP, JavaScript and APIs to Ruby, Python and jQuery.

After you select a particular lesson, a panel appears with the instructions and code for the course. There is also another panel that lets you write the code after you have gone through the initial instructions.

You are frequently updated when you make errors and the panel also provides some hints, so it is like a personal coding tutor. Upon completing a course, you get to earn badges that can be shared on social media. The site can be addictive, and it is even used by influencers like Michael Bloomberg.

2.  Learn Street

This website also features an interactive interface with the instructions on the right pane and a terminal on the left. The ‘Code Garage’ section of the website where you can apply what you learn, and there is also an option to work on existing projects and improve them.

The site also won the best technology award at an event called LaunchEDU in Palo Alto, California. The best part perhaps is the fact that you can take assistance of live chat if you fail to understand a concept or two.

Most of the courses created by this e-learning website are fun and easy as you get to engage in discussions. Learn Street is based on the concept that coding isn’t only for technical juggernauts, but is a craft of profession that is applicable in multiple fields. They are planning to do for coding what Instagram has done for photography.

3.  Code Avengers

It can get monotonous to look at all the codes and programs, so Code Avengers aims to spruce up the learning by providing lessons in a truly entertaining format. Each of the lesson ends with a mini game that lets you keep stress at bay and stick to the course.

The site only offers JavaScript, Html5 and CSS3 for now, but it makes the concepts pretty easy to understand. It has been developed keeping in mind the comfort level of beginners. The site has also received positive reviews from educational sites.

Even the most average lay coder will understand the instructions offered by Code Avengers.

Which sites have helped you to learn about coding? Feel free to share your thoughts.

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