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Top 5 Android Apps to Put You on the Path to Better Health

Whether you are looking to lose weight, tone up or just make healthier choices, the Android market offers a myriad of apps that will revolutionize the way you grocery shop, whether you want to use hypnotherapy to lose weight and/or stay fit, there is an app for you. Here we take a look at 5 of the very best Android apps that can help improve your health.

Fooducate Nutrition Scanner by Fooducate, Ltd.
Fooducate is an ingenious app that will change the way you shop. If you lack the time, patience or nutrition degree to decode nutritional fact labels and ingredient lists but wish to make healthy, informed decisions about the food you buy, this app is a must-have. Fooducate’s database contains 200,000+ unique UPC’s. Simply scan your item to see product highlights. You’ll be alerted to misleading claims on the packaging, concerning ingredients, positive attributes, calories per serving, FoodPoints value, etc… Each item also shows a grade, allows you to read reviews and mark favorites. Furthermore, what makes Fooducate wonderfully unique is that each UPC offers a list of alternative healthy choices.

DietPoint by Simplabs
DietPoint details dozens of diet plans under the following categories: By Blood Type, Celebrity, Detox, Dukan, Fad, Flat Belly, HCG, Healthy, Low Carb, Low Cholesterol, Montignac, On the Run, Paleo, Scarsdale, Vegetarian, Wedding and Zone. Each plan includes details, reviews and exact daily eating plans. Some diets have random meals & shopping list items only available through the paid (“premium”) version, however the free version is still quite comprehensive. Both allow access to supportive and user-friendly forums for support, recipe swaps, etc…

Daily Workouts by Daniel Miller
This is actually of series of individual apps that have both free and paid ($0.99) versions. Individual workouts are available for Abs, Legs, Butt, Arms and Cardio. Each app leads you through a series of targeted exercise videos performed by certified personal trainers. There is also a text version with each move broken down so that you are sure to perform them correctly and effectively and avoid injury. Each excellent app provides a highly effective workout in 5, 7.5 or 10 minute user-friendly sessions without the need for a gym or live personal trainer.

Calorie Counter by FatSecret
Keep track of your meals, exercise and weight with Calorie Counter. You’ll be amazed at its vast library of nutritional information on 1,000’s of foods, brands and restaurant menu items. Other convenient features include barcode scanner, quick pick foods, food diary, weight tracker, recipe planner and so much more. This free app also logs your exercise and calories burned.

Drinking Water by Chickpin
This free basic app reminds you to drink water. It keeps track of the number of glasses you drink each day so that you can reach your daily target. What could be more refreshing?

Hello my name is Nisha, I represent a site called Feel free to visit our site for more information on hypnotherapy.

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