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Work it Out: The Best Headphones for Breaking a Sweat

Running can be two things depending on the person: therapeutic or challenging. While this is true, I think we can all agree on one thing: A great playlist can make all the difference in the world when getting your workout on. Becoming motivated by hearing your favorite song allows you to tune out your surroundings, focusing on getting your heart rate up and reaching your goal. While creating the perfect playlist is instrumental in this, having a top-of-the-line pair of headphones is most important, because there’s nothing more annoying than having your music play unclearly when you’re trying to run. When making the decision on which pair is best for you, consider certain features: the comfort level desired, sound quality, style, and obviously your price-point. It’s recommended to search online for cheap headphones as oftentimes, you’ll find offers that can’t be beat.

Just like your go-to workout outfit, you want your headphones to fit just as comfortable. In addition, you want them to perform well and sound great while you’re sweating it out. Nothing is more annoying than running and having your wires tangle up, or turning a corner and having the earphones fall out of your ears.

Determining your point is also something that is necessary when finding the perfect earphones for you. Although earphones are great for running because they fit in your ears seamlessly, they’re not the best way to hear your music. If you’re looking for something with good bass, expect to spend upwards of $50. These won’t feature the best sound technologies, but you’ll hear a pretty accurate rendition of your favorite tunes. If you’re spending a good chunk of change, expect earphones with tips in different sizes to ensure a comfortable fit, which is very important. If you’re more interested in the accuracy of your favorite tunes than a strong bass to get you going, I suggest looking at “flat-response” pairs that offer a better auto signal. Since these are a bit higher priced, they’ll also come complete with excellent quality left and right earphones, along with a more defined sound on the lowest and highest frequencies.

Another option is choosing headphones instead of earphones. Although these are larger, some people prefer them because they do not like the idea of a foreign object inside their ear. Headphones are able to produce better sound for less since they don’t depend on an in-ear seal to deliver sound. Noise cancelling headphones are also amazing when you’re in the mood to listen to music at a lower volume without hearing everything going on around you. Although these will usually run upwards of $150, they really are a great investment. Lastly, since we’re on the topic of working out, wireless headphones are an excellent option when you do not want to deal with cables dangling from your ears. With these, since they’re connected with your Bluetooth, you also have the advantage of answering cell phone calls as well (if you’re into that kind of thing).

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