5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Desktop Licensing For Your CompanyPosted by On

title_desktop_license_agreementSo your company is growing and you are investing much into the new laptops and desktops for your employees. These laptops and desktops are not going to work unless they have the proper operating system installed with the basics that any company needs such as a word processor, a spread sheet, and a presentation-abled program. In this case, after procuring all these items, the service provider you buy this all from slaps you with an unheard of expense: desktop licensing. Now you understand what keeps these computer moguls rich and just how ingenious they are at staying rich. There are some things you need to understand about desktop licensing. There are several formats to it and there are more than a dozen companies who specialize in providing a service that will provide you with the license you are seeking. These companies can offer hardware as well as software and licensing options. And for a few added dollars, you can also have the option of the upgrade once it comes out, per computer. But what exactly does a desktop license entail and why does it costs so much? In this article, we will discuss the top 5 reasons why you should care about desktop licensing for your company.

1.       An added cost.

Yes, licensing is really an added cost. And knowing any good businessperson, cost should be kept low. But this is one cost you cannot just bypass or cut corners on. Good news though, in some service providers, you can buy in bulk if you have more than 250 units that you want to buy a license for.

2.       Rule out upgrades.

These upgrades happen frequently and are quite close to each other. At times they happen twice within 24 months and the upgrade really spells a huge difference from the former version of your operating system. If you do not get a license, you will not be eligible for these upgrades because this means that the company you bought your operating system from is not aware that you bought their product. Thus, you will not be given the privilege of getting the upgrade. If and when you decide to do get the upgrade, it might be at a price equivalent to buying a new set of operating systems instead of at a discounted price.

3.       Rule out any possible accreditation.

Some companies bank on being the best and even list down the accreditations they have. This gives an added prestige and business clout that you are dependable and if this computer system is found in your computers, then you are efficient.  This may also mean that since you have such sophisticated equipment, then you must have highly trained individuals to operate this. Having these accreditations carry a lot of weight and meaning for the business that have them.

4.       Might as well buy fake software.

If you do not have the proper license for your original software, then you might as well have bought the fake software. This may sound harsh but this is the equivalent. Licensing protects you from counterfeits and companies selling “new” software even if it actually second hand and has been installed in several other computers. The license tells you that your software is original and that the software company knows that your company did what is right.

5.       Other applications may not run.

This is the general fear of anyone who has installed fake software into ones’ computers. And there is some truth to this fear. Some users are frustrated because they have to find an inferior application to the one that they are trying to use. Or, they are using a particular application, but is just the trial version that has less means and depth than the one they are used to, or that it will expire in 15 days. Save your employees the headache. Get that license.

Licensing may be an added cost, but this is something that companies really should buy and pay for. Don’t cut corners here. This is one investment that any forthright businessman will see and be wise enough to understand its value.


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