Sewing Machines: Computerized Machines vs. Mechanical MachinesPosted by On

Sewing Machines

Modern sewing machines may seem like a complex mathematical problem to those of us who are using them for the first time. In recent times, more and more high-end machines available in the market are fully computerized. These machines come with programmable sequences for stitching and a touch screen. Their anatomy and set-up is in absolute contrast to immensely conventional singer sewing machine models sold in India. But, sophisticated design means higher price. If you are planning to buy singer machine, but stuck on the crossroads. Carry on reading.

Modern machines, even with strong motors, are lighter than their conventional counterparts. This is primarily because they have lesser parts. Therefore, you can easily carry them around, especially if you don’t want to allocate a part of your home to sewing area. In fact, these machines can be easily maintained. You can remove their covers and oil the motor whenever required. As a result, you can service them with absolute ease and that too at a cheaper cost.

Sewing Machines: Computerized Machines vs. Mechanical Machines

In their absolute contrast, mechanical machines may not be so handy or fun to use, but you can still use them for basic sewing tasks. Also, if you are using sewing machines for the first time, then you can first start with the conventional machines, and then move to the sophisticated machines.

You can buy a conventional singer machine to hone the art of sewing. Such a machine is easy to master. Additionally, since these machines are durable, so they can bear rough usage by beginners. The best aspect of these machines is that even the top brands can be purchased at an affordable price because most people usually buy the computerized models.

While you’re making the decision, your budget will play a crucial role. Features and other aspects would come at a later stage, budget has to come first. If you are on a low budget, then you can begin with a mechanical sewing machine. Once you learn the art of sewing from that machine, you can gradually move to computerized models. However, if budget isn’t a constraint, then you should seriously consider buying a high-end computerized model for making your life easier.

You can program computerized machines so that it can remember specific stitch sequences. These machines also offer a wide range of decorative and embroidery stitches, so you can use them for trying out interesting designs. Computerized sewing machines can offer superior and evenly spaced stitch lines, thereby ensuring stronger stitches.

Before you decide which one to choose from, you need to ask yourself ‘How often will I use the machine?’ You need to answer this question honestly. For instance, if it’s merely an impulsive purchase, then you would hardly use it once in a month and for the remaining time, dust will gradually make home on your machine. In such a case, you shouldn’t spend a lot on its purchase and start with low-end model. However, if you are buying it because you always loved sewing and you’re passionate about it, then you should invest on a high-end sewing machine, which has all the necessary features.

Whether you’re buying a branded machine or an unbranded one, a distinction between computerized and mechanical machines will always play a major role in your purchase. Therefore, you need to decide upfront and buy a machine, which lives up to your expectations.


Sewing Machines

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