Smart Tips For Writing Content That RocksPosted by On

You want your website to stand out, but you’re struggling in helping it get noticed. That’s a common problem amongst all websites, but it is something you can overcome. Overcoming begins by writing kick-butt content, articles that reach higher and rock your reader’s world. Here’s how to get that done.

It’s all about humans only

Please, whatever you do, write your articles for human consumption only. A bad habit emerged a number of years ago where SEO experts and others realized just how much Google and the other search engines were paying attention to not just the websites, but the specific content contained on those pages.

As a result, a shift to more computer-friendly content emerged with people writing articles stuffed with keywords and making use of odd sentence structures, in a bid to please and curry the favor of the search engines. It is a practice that soon became abused and one the search engines eventually distanced themselves from.

If you aren’t writing to your fellow humans than please stop right now. Speak to your readers as you would to your friends advises

Keywords are important, well sort of

Yes, please use the correct keywords with your articles. No, you shouldn’t saturate your content with the same keywords over and over again. Instead, use variations on the theme, but do so naturally.

This means acquainting yourself with keyword variations and synonyms, then incorporating these within your article. Clearly, you can find multiple variations on the same words and succeed here. You’ll also pick up words overlooked by some, but used by customers who are searching for same.

Article length matters

In the early days of blogging and website development, shooting for 300-400 word articles was commonplace. Later, it was determined that articles of 500-600 words was preferred for the simple reason that such articles are more comprehensive and expound on thoughts that shorter length articles could never achieve.

In recent years, the thinking has shifted to much more comprehensive articles, ranging from 1,200 to 2,000 words or more. These types of articles, heavily researched, carefully written, and professionally edited, are more likely to receive the attention deserved than shorter articles. It has also been proven that Google search prefers longer form writing and ranks such content accordingly.

Social media matters much

There is no getting around it: social media matters a lot. With the rise of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, there is no shortage of social media platforms for your inspection.

Sharing your content on social media provides it with the attention it deserves. Though the goal of SEO is to raise search engine visibility, social media goes beyond that to help you reach your customers directly, but through another medium. Take advantage of these tools and you’ll rock the new customers.

Use images with abandon

Photos are eye candy and can do much to attract people to your site. Carefully acquired and placed photos will add to your website efforts and expand on the story you are telling.

Always use the “alt” attribute when including your photos. Never use photos you don’t own without explicitly getting permission or a release from the owner. It may be a good time to invest in camera equipment to shoot some photos of your own.

Content Considerations

Other factors to keep in mind when developing content is to link carefully out to respected websites. Link to authority websites only, avoiding anything that is suspect.

Also, find related content on your site and link to those pages as well. You want to help your readers find their way around your site, going beyond the navigation bar to locate some of your more important work.


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