Nancy Brickhouse, a senior administrative officer of University of Delaware declared Dawn Thompson as the provisional vice president for Student Life. In an announcement at UD, on August 1, the Interim Provost declared that from August 19 onwards Dawn Thompson would serve the duty of the vice president of student life program.

Dawn Thompson
According to a reliable source, Thompson played the role of assistant vice president for Student Life when she joined the University in November 2008. From December 2009 onwards, she served the responsibilities of associate vice president of student life and the dean of students.
In a statement, Dawn Thompson expressed her excitement to be in charge of this prestigious position. She opined that she felt honored that the authority provides her an opportunity to offer her services for the welfare of student of the University of Delaware. She was of the opinion that she was fortunate enough to get the chance to work with the dedicated and talented team of Student Life. She was hopeful that she along with the well-built team of Student Life could able to offer an exclusive support that would fulfill the educational mission of the University. She even added that she wished to offer a high quality services through innovative programs and student advocacy that would enable personal development, academic success, well-being, and student learning,
Nancy Brickhouse, the Interim Provost of the University, expressed her view after declaring the news. She told that it was very fortunate to work under the strong leadership of Dawn Thompson. She added that the Student Life program would become more successful as this would now be lead by a strong energetic personality. She believed that the program as well as the new vice president would acquire success easily as Dawn being attached with the University for quite a long period is acquainted with the demand of the students of University of Delaware.
According to the source, Dawn has completed her master’s degree from Ohio State University in student personal work in higher education. However, she owns her bachelor’s degree from Wittenberg University in accounting and business administration.
As being informed by a source, Dawn Thompson was attached with the University of Massachusetts Amherst before joining the prestigious position of UD in 2008. It is reported that the energetic lady worked as the executive director of housing and residence life. The report also informed that she was involved with the University for almost 11 years. In addition, Thompson also gained experience from the University of Urbana-Champaign, Ithaca (N.Y) College, and the University of Wisconsin Whitewater where she performed several types of administrative assignments.