If you are the owner of a webpage or a site, you know that the most important element in the success of your page is the traffic that it attracts. Generating traffic involves several techniques, among them organic methods.
Organic Methods to Generate Traffic include some free methods:
• Articles:
One of the best ways to drive traffic to your site is to write a few articles about its content and distribute them to Ezine publishers and webmasters. This method is completely free and yields good results: as soon as the links to your pages get picked up by others, your Google ranking and credibility increase. These extra links will not only provide you with more traffic, but you will have the opportunity to expand your range by posting your articles in different formats as well.

• Guest Blogging:
Guest blogging for already established websites allows you to post a link or two about your page in return for your article, thus increasing traffic. This method is reliable because as people read the guest blog, they will consider you as an authority on some level and will be driven to your page. Be sure to write the guest blog for a site that is related to your page.
• YouTube:
YouTube is a platform on which you can market your site by creating a video about your product. Be sure to come up with a suitable title for the video and use the tags efficiently in regard to the description and title of the video. Optimizing these areas will ensure a better ranking. Include the URL of your page in the video description and add a few keywords at the beginning.
• Hubpages/Squidoo:
Hubpages and Squidoo function as websites that allow you to create content related to your market in order to attract traffic. Squidoo is a bit more detailed than Hubpages because it asks for a specific category of the content. If you wish to use Squidoo, you will have to actively reply to the comments on the posts.
• Forums:
If you manage to get established on a well-reputed forum site, you can increase traffic by establishing an expert opinion through specific channels. You will have to be very active if you want the forum to bring some payback.
• Question/answer Sites:
Question/answer sites are web pages on which the owner will answer visitors’ questions. In this way, you will reach a wider audience.
• Blogging:
Think of each blog as an extra page which will increase your ranking. Ensure that your blog content is keyword-rich, along with a keyword-rich title. Use other user-friendly techniques to drive traffic towards your site.
• Social Media:
A lot of data is shared on social media sites — so why not post something on Twitter or LinkedIn? The content will have to be more interactive and creative then normal but it will yield good results. Just be careful to make regular interactive posts.
• Email Marketing:
You can increase your traffic by delivering your site’s information to large groups in the form of e-mails. You can also have newsletters post about your links.
• Giveaways:
This involves offering something to your audience in return for their service in helping promote your page, such as sharing your link on any social media site. Keep in mind the range of your audience and how much the giveaway prize will appeal to them. Don’t forget to try to make the giveaway viral.
• Joint Venture:
Joining forces with someone else can really help you out when it comes to time and energy. If two brains work on achieving the same goal, it is realistic to think that the job will be done better. Joint ventures allow online marketers to provide a greater variety of content.
• Affiliate Programs:
Affiliate programs provide a wide range of service to the marketing field. These programs can benefit you in many ways; be sure to pinpoint your needs for optimum efficiency.
• Press Releases:
Press releases allow you to inform a wider public about your product in order to attract more people to your site. Press releases are very helpful and effective if used properly.
When you are running an SEO Sydney company, it is essential to try several techniques to generate the maximum amount of traffic. Free or organic techniques will take longer to yield a reasonable result so it is always best to use these methods alongside paid techniques. Once you get the hang of it, you will know the proper proportion of each strategy. At first, trial and error is the best way to learn. Soon enough, you will be more adept at recognizing the best methods of generating traffic.