Storing Your Data With Ubuntu LinuxPosted by On

This article is for the people among us that do not know what Ubuntu linux is and have never used it before, so all the techie people reading this, I am sorry but this article won’t be for you, I have written other various articles of interest for the advanced user, so please look out for those!

Storing Your Data With Ubuntu Linux

What Is Ubuntu Linux?

Linux has been well established in the server and data centre community for many years now and was not really used on a public scale, that is until Mark Shuttleworth gathered a team of coders and hackers together from the well known Debian flavour of Linux and created the easy to use, point and click platform of Ubuntu!

The project was formed to make the entire platform and all software 100% free for every user on a global scale, this means businesses can use the licence commercially and home users can change the code and adapt it to their liking. This of course makes the Ubuntu platform the most versatile in the world, you can literally rip it to pieces and use any of the code to build whatever you need. This includes web/email/data/printer servers and many more options!

Weighing Up The Options

Whether you want to use the operating system software to create a cloud or other type of server, Ubuntu Linux can be moulded into literally any type of server known to man, it has even been known to be coded into home smart systems which can turn on lights, make you coffee and set your home alarm system while you are the other side of the world!

Storing Your Data With Ubuntu Linux

Great To Use As A Personal Cloud!

Feel that your data is not protected enough in the usual clouds like Apple’s? Why not create your very own cloud from the comfort of your own home! Ubuntu supports this and has all of the software already loaded in and ready to roll!! Here are some of the features and things you can do with a cloud:

  • Share your music to anyone or keep it personal
  • Store all of your favorite photographs for family and friends to see
  • Access it from anywhere in the world!
  • Set your IPhone or Tablet to store on your cloud so it is your own personal storage space that nobody knows about!
  • Feel secure as YOU! are the master of your own cloud

The possibilities are limitless! Infact they are so limitless I have a spare machine in my house that is a 4 in one server. I have my own cloud, printer server for the network, web server for my website and it also acts as a router/firewall giving internet connectivity to my entire home network!

Bio: Using Ubuntu Linux for this is really not that hard so the most basic of user can read a few manuals and get this going, failing that if you really did want to store your data elsewhere you can use the services of Citrix ShareFile which I used in the past.


home alarm systemmark shuttleworthoperating system softwarepersonal cloudubuntu linux

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