OLED TV’s vs.LED TVsPosted by On

There’s no denying the fact that OLED TVs are causing a stir in the technology world, but how do they compare to LED TVs? If you’re shopping for a new TV, you obviously want the best money can buy. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the most expensive TV will be the best choice. While OLED TVs do have their advantages, they also have some drawbacks. Whether it’s picture quality or size, you need to carefully consider your options before spending your hard-earned money. The following will give you a better idea of how OLED TVs stack up against LED TVs.

Picture Quality

There’s no debating the fact that OLED TVs have a superior picture quality over any other type of TV technology. The contrast in blacks and whites, the color and brightness are all top of the line and make the viewing experience as close to real life as TV has ever come. That’s not to say that LED TVs don’t look amazing. An LED TV that uses four color technology can also look amazing and can be an improvement to the current TV you own.


If size really does matter to you, LED TVs are going to be a clear winner. The manufacturing process of OLED TVs is still really difficult and expensive. The first TV to come out for pre-order is only 55 inches. While that’s still a rather big TV, you can purchase LED TVs in 60”, 70” and even 90” models. If you’re looking for a TV for your home theater, a luxury LED TV is going to be the way to go.


One huge drawback for OLED TVs is their lifespan. The average person has their TV turned on around 6 ½ hour per day. With OLED technology, the blue diodes in the screen start to burn out after 14,000 hours of use. For the average person, that’s less than 6 years. On the other hand, LED TVs don’t start to burn out until around 25,000 to 40,000 hours. That’s almost double the lifespan and that’s on the low end of the scale.


Another problem you will encounter with OLED TVs is availability. The first TV is set to ship out in March, but that’s just one brand. LED TVs are available in almost any store that sells electronics from a variety of brands. This means that you could get up right now, go shopping, and come home with a new TV today. Best of all, you’d even be able to comparison shop instead of being limited to one TV.


A major problem with OLED technology is the cost of production. The first TV that will be available has a price tag of $12,000 and the TV is only 55 inches. You could spend less than $9,000 and get an LED TV that measures 90 inches.

Remember when the first personal CD player came out? That’s exactly what we’re seeing with OLED TVs. Not only are people amazed with the technology, but it’s still expensive to produce. This means you’re going to shell out a lot of money. On the other hand, you can enjoy a gorgeous LED TV for a fraction of the cost.

About Author

Matt Daly works as a freelance interior designer and believes that every home has to have a tv. His current favorite is LG’s OLED tv for it’s unparalleled design that fits into almost any home layout and theme.


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